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I’ve always believed in the old saying that we must live life to the fullest. I am here to do just that. Learning guitar | Adelaide serves as a vessel to share my interests, and show my readers what inspires me in this ever-changing world.

keep the beats, is just what music relates to, playing your instrument to the beat, music is a powerful energy that connects very powerfully with our brain energy-wise and number two, stimulates us mentally

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direct drive turntable

Turntable, to play your vinyls on.

A #waveform, this is what music or voice looks like electrically, this is shown on an #oscilliscope, or computer screen. For the music you want to create, you can use Adobe Audition to create multi track recording.

Music is created in many different ways, including this Australian invention

If You Are Just Getting Started With Guitar Or Are Interested In Improving Your Skills, You Have Come To The Right Place. STOP The Struggle! ... And Put The FUN Back Into Learning Guitar With Our Step-By-Step Motivational Guitar Lessons ...

Home to music

Master the guitar in seven Days!


If you live in Adelaide S.A I highly recommend the guys at Music Corner Salisbury, they have a fantastic range of music gear and accessories, and the staff are great

"Don't limit yourself to one genre (style) of music.  You should really diversify.  You will learn so much more by listening to rock, jazz, blues, bluegrass, classical, and Spanish styles of guitar.  Be sure that as you learn that you spend time with people that are musicians.  Learn from their experience and expertise.  Everyone possesses a different interpretation of music and songwriting, so take it as a free lesson."

Hey,  come along and join me and learn the guitar, which you can do by buying Master the guitar in 7 days

4 string bass guitar

Bass guitar

Excerpts from

Master the guitar in seven Days!

Page 7

Tuning your guitar is one of the most important things you can do for yourself while learning to play. I will go over several methods of tuning for you and ways to train your ears while you learn to tune. Once your ear is trained, you won't have to worry about whether or not the batteries work in your digital tuner.
As a beginner with guitar and perhaps music all together, I suggest that you go get yourself a digital tuner. It is fairly self explanatory. I had one of these as well as a pitch pipe. I liked the pipe because I don't have to buy batteries and it helps my ears train instead of relying on the digital tuner, or meter, to show flat or sharp.
Next, I'd like to discuss tuning with your guitar only. You may wish to tune your bottom E string for this. I call this 5th fret tuning. What you do is tune your bottom E (biggest) string with a tuner or pluck both E strings and listen to the “wa, wa's.” If the wa's are fast, you are sharp. If the wa's are slow, you are flat. If you don't have any wa wa's you are in tune. In succession from the top to the bottom, press the low E string in the 5th fret and then pluck your A string. Listen to the wa wa's and adjust your tuning pegs. Next, press A string in the 5th fret and pluck D string. Press D sting in 5th fret and pluck G string. Press G string in 4th fret and B in 5th fret (note: the switch in frets here). Press B string in 5th fret and pluck E string. This particular form of tuning is great for getting your ear ready to hear music.
Last, but definitely not least, is harmonic tuning. I would consider this a bit more advanced, but once you have your ear trained and have a good idea of how to touch the strings, this is an incredibly accurate method for tuning. It goes something like this: From the top to the bottom, lightly touch your E string at the fret line with your fretting hand, do not press the string, and pluck the string at the same time. You must release the touch with your fretting finger so that the note will continue to play. Play 5th fret E string and 7th fret A string, they should be the same pitch. Play 5th fret A and 7th fret D. Play 5th fret D and 7th fret G. Play 7th fret low E and pluck open B. Last, play 5th fret B and 7th fret E.
Here is a special note for you on harmonics. Harmonics are the result of the vibrations of the string itself.

Excerpts from

Master the guitar in seven Days!

Page 22


Beginning music theory may not sound like a lot of fun or even something you are interested in. It is crucial that you learn the fundamentals of music so that you can start programming your brain to think in terms of music. Music theory will give you a greater understanding of what you are playing and why. This will probably take the longest to learn which is why I gave you some chords to work on first. Most people like to dig in and play and not sit down and study before they begin to play! While you practice the series of chords given, build on the theory.

Tommy Emmanuel Guitar player Australian singer acoustic guitar player.

Tommy emmanuel

What would interest you, to have added to my music website? Please let me know, leave your details below, with your ideas.

Donner guitars
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Studio large diaphragm microphone

Electric condenser microphones incorporate a large diaphragm microphone, with a suspension system, the suspension system isolates the microphone from vibrations, these microphones are used in the studio for vocal recordings, due to their sensitivity.

pop filter for microphone

Pop filters, these are used with studio mikes to stop the "P" sound from hitting the mike

Behringer audio mixer
The basics of music notes

My new guitar to me, I was surprised when I finally picked this one up it is a BC Rich, the way the strings are fitted is quite different to other guitars.

With some research, I have discovered the reasoning behind BC Rich guitars which is to hold tuning better, so a very interesting design

music notes as on a staff

A big name in the music industry is Yamaha, they are known for their wonderful range of musical instruments, I currently have a bass guitar, electronic drum kit and a keyboard, and even though the keyboard and drum kit has been around for a while, they are still working superbly, just shows Yamaha quality in manufacturing.

BC Rich Guitar

BC Rich

open reel deck

Want to learn to play an instrument, I have always wanted to play either the #guitar or drums, I did play the keyboard for a while, and will play it again, I am not brilliant at it at all but I enjoy music, so I continue to try.

Open reel decks, I had one of these beautiful machines, a Teac X10r, a superb piece of equipment, they are still out there, just need to hunt them down.  Always record and playback at the higher speed, to gain maximum dynamic range. Remember, in the recording studio, this is how the music is or was recorded, except it was on two-inch tape, recording at the higher speed.. Click on the deck it will take you to a website dealing with these machines.

BC Rich Guitar head

Want to learn how to play Hard rock music! Click on the guitar, it will take you there now.

A quarter note

The ukulele is a very popular instrument to play, it is small and with only four strings, a bit easier to handle, with a huge amount of musicians and clubs making it a very social instrument to play. To learn to play this wonderful instrument, click on the Ukelele picture.


music note
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