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Master the guitar in 7 days!

Master the guitar in 7 days!


It looks like you want to learn the guitar! Congratulations! You will find this endeavor rewarding and at times, very trying.
I have been a musician for nearly 30 years and am here to inject my musical wisdom into you. There won't be a magic button you can press that will make you good. Practice will be the only way to get where you want to go and play the way you want to play, a lot of practice.
I'm going to walk you through the very basics of your guitar, tuning, posture, how to hold your pick, exercises, notation, tablature, scales, beginning theory, chords, strumming, and some really simple songs you can rock to!
Don't limit yourself to one genre (style) of music. You should really diversify. You will learn so much more by listening to rock, jazz, blues, bluegrass, classical, and Spanish styles of guitar. Be sure that as you learn that you spend time with people that are musicians. Learn from their experience and expertise. Everyone possesses a different interpretation of music and songwriting, so take it as a free lesson.
The last thing I want to say before we get started is have fun. Playing the guitar is an enriching experience with many rewards along the way!

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